The guide of the air compensation

Which flights are concerned?

In order to improve passenger compensation conditions, the European Union (EU) has strengthened the legislation on compensation and assistance. For example, European Regulation No 261/2004 stipulates that passengers may claim flat-rate compensation if their flight is delayed, canceled, or when ground staff do not allow them to board the aircraft due to overbooking.

In which case does the legislation apply?

– Flight cancellation
– A significant delay
– Denied boarding / overbooking
– Decommissioning
– A missed connection flight

Who can claim compensation?

– Passengers on a flight departing from an airport in the territory of the European Union, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland, irrespective of the nationality of the airline.

– Passengers flying from an airport outside the EU to a European airport, provided the flight is served by a European airline.

Some examples :

– If you leave from Sofia airport in Bulgaria with a Qatari company, you can claim compensation.- If you leave Zurich with a French company, you can claim compensation.

– If you take off from Bombay with an Indian company, you can not claim compensation.

The legislation does not apply:

– Passengers traveling free of charge or at a reduced rate accessible to the public.

– In case of loss or damage to your baggage.

What are the supporting documents to provide?

Do not forget to attach to your file all the documents that justify your trip. They are imperative if you want to receive compensation.

In case of long delay, cancellation of your flight or overbooking, you can claim compensation for damages. But for that, it is essential to provide documents proving that you have traveled or that you have been present at the airport.

Faster support

When making your claim, do not forget to send your travel vouchers to the lawyers. Your file will be transmitted more quickly to your airline and processed as soon as possible.

You must therefore provide your plane ticket (or e-ticket) and your boarding pass. Scan them and attach them to your file.

Regarding e-tickets, you must provide a certificate of delay, overbooking and cancellation of flights issued by the airlines because the electronic tickets are equivalent to boarding passes without proving your presence on the plane.

How to easily scan your documents?

If you wish to finalize your compensation claim, you must scan and send your travel documents (flight ticket, boarding card) to the team of lawyers.

If you have a scanner printer, use the program to scan your documents and transfer your files to your computer. If you do not have a scanner, do not panic. Photograph your travel documents using your mobile phone. Transfer photos to your computer, by email or via Bluetooth. Finally if you do not have a scanner or photocopier, you can use your smartphone.

To do this, simply download one of the many mobile applications to scan your documents. Simple to use, they work like a camera and are available on Google Play and the App Store.

How to proceed with my claim for compensation?

Before making your claim, you must simply bring your personal information, telephone number and identity document, as well as your travel vouchers that prove that you went to the airport or that you went on the plane: plane ticket, boarding pass. Indeed, if you did not take the plane in question you will not be able to benefit from the regulation on the right of the passengers …

If you have not traveled alone, you can also take care of the claims of the passengers who have traveled with you. For a family or even friends, you can make a single request on the online form, for all passengers accompanying you.

⇒ Start your request now!